Privacy Policy

🍪 We love Cookies!

That's why we use them to optimize your experience, ensuring a smoother, more effective, and improved interaction. Certain Cookies are Essential for the proper functioning of our Services. Privacy Policy

Updated: August 27, 2024
Effective: August 27, 2024

1. Getting Started

By accessing or using our platforms, you are acknowledging our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, please do not continue using our services.

Defining Words & Phrases

Throughout the privacy policy, you may come across certain words and phrases which you may not easily understand. To make sure this information is accessible to as many people as possible, we are providing a list explaining the meanings of each one of them:

• "Privacy Policy" refers to the Cactusian Privacy Policy.

• "We", "Us", "Our" refers to Cactusian.

• "Platforms", "Services" refers to the websites, mobile apps and features offered and operated by Cactusian, including where you currently are right now.

• "Games" refers to the digital video games operated by Cactusian. (unless otherwise specified).

What is in this Privacy Policy?

This policy outlines your rights concerning your personal information, detailing your ability to control the use of identifiable data. Within this privacy policy, we provide transparency about when and how we utilize your information, including the methods of collection, recording, organization, storage, and sharing.

Depending on your location, you may have various rights or options for managing your personal information, as elaborated upon later in this policy.

Where does the Privacy Policy apply?

This policy is applicable across various digital platforms operated by Cactusian. These platforms are:

• Websites hosted under the "" domain.

• Mobile applications developed by Cactusian.

• Other features and services as elaborated later within the privacy policy.

Please note that by leaving our services, this policy will no longer apply. Cactusian does not assume responsibility for the content or privacy policies of other websites or apps, even if you accessed them through links on our platforms.

Updates to the Privacy Policy

By using our platforms, you understand that Cactusian can make changes to the Privacy Policy at any time.

We recommend that you visit this page frequently to make sure you have the most up-to-date information available.

If any significant changes are being made, we will make sure to let you know through various methods such as displaying a notice when you access our platforms. Your continued use of the platforms after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new privacy policy.

2. Information we Collect

This is a generalization of the information we collect based on how our platforms are being used by our users:

Contact: such as your email address, username, profile name.

Device: such as the device type, device model, operating system, browser and browser version.

Media (images, videos, audio): such as your profile picture.

Identification: such as your IP Address.

Location (imprecise): such as your country, region and city.

Credentials: such as your email address, password.

Usage & Interaction: such as the content you explore across our services and how you interact with it.

External Identities: such as your username, profile information, you may have on a different platform not operated by Cactusian.

Payment Information: such as a payment method and billing details, collected securely by our partners.

3. How your Information is Collected

The methods we receive information about you are various and not the same for everyone, some general ones are:

Information you provide to us:

Account: when signing up for a Cactusian account, you need to provide information such as an email address (used to contact you and login), a password and an username. After signing up, you are allowed to complete your account and profile with information such as a profile name, profile picture, about me and region.

Interactions: we give everyone the ability to interact with other users (such as adding them as friends, following them) and their content (such as liking their posts).

Content: our services offer the ability for users to post and share content with the community.

Media (images, videos, audio): everytime you upload a file to our services.

External Identities: you have the ability to connect accounts from external platforms with a Cactusian account.

Payment Information: when you make a purchase for paid services on our platform, you might need to provide a valid payment method along with your billing details, such as your full name and billing address. Our payment partners, like Stripe and PayPal, handle and process your payment information. In some cases, we may also receive and store specific billing details, including the last four digits of the credit card associated with the payment.

Information collected automatically:

Identification: when our services are getting accessed, your device automatically provides us with your IP address.

Device: when our services are getting accessed, we collect information about your device type, device model, operating system, browser and browser version.

Location (imprecise): when our services are getting accessed, we collect information about your location such as your country, region and city.

Usage & interaction: when our services are getting accessed, we collect information such as the content you explore and how you interact with it.

Other methods: when you engage in specific actions on our platform or other external platforms, we may gather additional information: As an example, if you accessed through (not an actual working link), might let us know that you got to our website through theirs.

Information collected externally:

Additionally, we can receive information about you from other external sources, such as external platforms or from other users. The information received about you externally, can later be combined with the information we already know about you and / or already have available.

4. How your Information is Used

Under specific data protection regulations like GDPR, companies must establish a valid justification to process personal data. Below we are describing and helping you understand how your information is being used:

To provide our services: we use your information to provide our services such as the websites, mobile apps or features operated by Cactusian.

To keep our community safe: as part of our efforts of keeping the Cactusian community safe, we often monitor and track your information, with hopes that we can efficiently identify any bad actors that violate our terms of service or community guidelines and remove their access to our services.

To protect us: to prevent misuse and to enforce our policies such as our Terms of Service.

To provide support: our support agents might use your personal information in order to provide a good service and help you.

To reach out to you: your information is being used to contact you about changes or important information regarding your Account, such as when your password or email are being changed or when you attempt to login.

To improve our services: your information could assist us in understanding the relevance and popularity of specific features, as well as identifying opportunities to enhance our service to better meet the needs of our users.

For advertising purposes: we might inform you about our services or features directly from our platforms or others. Additionally, we might invest in advertising Cactusian on various platforms. As part of this effort, we utilize specific information to ensure targeted advertising delivery, measure ad effectiveness for our products, and refine future advertising strategies.

For legal obligations: we keep and utilize your information to address potential legal disputes as necessary and for compliance, regulatory, and audit purposes. This includes retaining information in instances where legal requirements dictate or in response to mandates from courts or regulatory entities.

5. Information we Share

Where Necessary

With other companies in exchange for their services:

Cactusian may decide to share your personal information with other companies that we employ to provide certain services for us. These companies are permitted to use the information we provide solely to complete the assigned tasks and they are prohibited from using this information for any other purpose, such as selling personal information.

Cactusian makes every effort to ensure that these companies are capable of safeguarding your information and we do not engage companies with a generally negative reputation for personal information safety.

Some examples of companies we are very likely to share your information with can be found here:

Google LLC. (Analytics Services)

"YouTube" from Google LLC. (Content Delivery Services)

Amazon Web Services Inc. (Hosting / Content Delivery Services)

Stripe Inc. (Billing Services)

For legal reasons or to fight crime:

We may share your personal information, as permitted or required by law, under the following circumstances:

• Upon request from law enforcement agencies, regulators, or public authorities (such as schools or children's services).

• To ensure compliance with any court orders, judicial proceedings, or other legal processes served on Cactusian.

• We are required by a law to disclose it.

• We are of the opinion that disclosing the information could help prevent a crime.

For safety and security:

To promote safety and security, we may disclose your Personal Information in situations where it could aid in investigating public safety concerns or protecting the overall reliability and security of our services or users.

To uphold our rights and policies:

We may disclose information as necessary to enforce our Terms of Service, Community Guidelines, or any other policies, and to safeguard the rights and safety of both ourselves and others.

For our protection against legal responsibilities:

If it becomes necessary for us to shield ourselves from legal liability, we may share your information if we believe that doing so will enable us to preemptively mitigate legal responsibility or protect our rights.

In a transfer of rights:

In case of an acquisition, merger, reorganization, bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership, sale, transfer or change in ownership of our company or any of its assets, we reserve the right to transfer access rights to your information, including personal information.

When required by law, we will ask for your consent before proceeding to transfer access to your information.

Other Cases

Anonymized Information:

We reserve the right to share information that has been combined and anonymized to a degree where it no longer identifies you personally. This could include aggregated user statistics that we share with partners or the public to illustrate our business or features.

6. Data Retention

We retain personal information for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or to comply with legal requirements. Once we determine that the information is no longer needed for these purposes, or if we are no longer legally required to retain it, we will securely dispose of the data. This ensures that we handle personal information responsibly and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

7. Data Security

To safeguard your personal information, Cactusian is dedicated to ensuring a high level of security for our systems and data centers. We implement important security measures to prevent unauthorized access, protecting your personal information from bad actors.

It's important to understand that no system is entirely immune to attacks. In the unlikely and unfortunate event of a successful breach of our systems, we are committed to promptly notifying you and taking all possible measures to prevent further damage.

8. Control your Privacy

Cactusian offers various methods through which users can control their privacy while using our services.

We encourage our users to check and, if necessary, update their account privacy settings. Users are able to request account deactivation or deletion, which permanently removes most of their personal information from our systems.

We assume no responsibility for users who choose to share their personal information with others via our services.

You can also request Cactusian to send you a copy of the personal information we have collected about you.

9. Contact

For any questions or requests concerning your Personal Information, please refer to the contact information provided below. We value your questions and aim to address any concerns you may have about the management of your data, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us:

Privacy Contact:

Email: [email protected]

Additionally, depending on where you currently reside, you may have additional rights over your personal information. If you have any specific queries, we ask you to please use the following information to contact us:

Citizens of California:

Email: [email protected]

Citizens of the EEA, Switzerland and UK:

Email: [email protected]

Citizens of Brazil:

Email: [email protected]

If your region / state / area is not on this list, you can contact us by using the general privacy contact information.

We encourage everybody to exercise their personal information rights.